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The User Experience at Dundee group is proud to be presenting a SICSA online workshop teaching accessibility in Scotland.

Teaching Accessibility in Scotland

Michael Crabb, benjamin Gorman, Garreth Tigwell, Rachel Menzies.


It is essential for societal inclusion that our increasingly ubiquitous technologies are accessible to a wide range of users. For students who are learning about software development it is important that they are able to explore the different societal and technical aspects of creating accessible software.

In this workshop we will explore the state of accessibility teaching in Scotland. This will be based around three questions:

  1. How is accessibility currently taught?
  2. How should or could it be done?
  3. How can we work together to get there?

We would welcome you to the workshop if you are teaching accessibility topics, you are interested in accessibility or you just want to find out a bit more about it.

Register to attend the workshop.